News Releases
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Ontario Association of Optometrists Announces New CEO: Mark Donnison
The Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) is excited to announce the appointment of Mr. Mark Donnison as its new Chief Executive Officer.
Read MoreOntario Association of Optometrists and the Ontario Government reach a Historic Deal
Media release: On Friday, March 24th @ 1 pm, the Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) and the Government of Ontario issued a joint press release announcing a new four-year funding agreement. View the Press Release
Read MoreOptometrists ready to roll up their sleeves to help vaccinate Ontarians
TORONTO, Jan. 26, 2021 /CNW/ – Ontario optometrists are willing to step up to assist with the rollout of the government’s vaccine implementation plan. “We know that the Ontario government is looking to increase the public’s access to the COVID-19 vaccine,” says Dr. Sheldon Salaba, President of the Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO). “Optometrists can help with...
Read MoreOntario Faces Crisis as Millions of Eye Exams in Jeopardy
Ontario's optometrists are launching an urgent appeal to the Ontario government to end the 30-year neglect in funding for eye care. This chronic underfunding, coupled with the devastating impact of COVID-19 on optometrists' ability to see patients, threatens Ontarians' access to these essential health services.
Read MoreOntario Optometrists Remain Open for Urgent Care during COVID-19
April 20, 2020 – During these challenging times, optometrists are still here to take care of your urgent eye and vision issues. “Last month, the Ontario Government declared optometrists providing emergency care to be an essential workplace,” says Dr. Joshua C. Smith, President of the Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO). “Since...
Read MoreDo your eyes a favor and add an eye exam to your New Year’s resolution list! Optometrists ask Ontarians to be seen in 2020
January 8, 2020 – Booking an eye exam with an optometrist is a simple resolution that’s easy to keep and can help protect not only your vision, but your overall health and wellness too. “Many people think of eye exams as a vision check to see if glasses or contact lenses...
Read MoreOptometrists Play a Significant Role in Fall Prevention in Older Adults: Seniors with Low Vision Twice as likely to Fall
October 28, 2019 – Although there are many factors that can cause a fall, vision loss is often the primary cause. Even the smallest change in a person’s vision can increase the risk of a fall, especially in seniors. “Seniors with visual impairment are twice as likely to fall,” says Dr. Joshua...
Read MoreConnor’s story: Three eye conditions at three years old
How do children at the age of three see the world? Everyone must seem extremely tall and everything so far out of reach. But what if everything was out of focus or looked like a fun-house mirror? This was Connor’s reality.
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